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Tuning #FreeBSD for routing and firewalling
OpenBSD and the network by Peter Hessler
I frequent the #openbsd IRC channel in order to help people. A question commonly asked is how to automatically lock your machine when putting it to sleep with zzz(1). I answered this question in a previous article (which was actually written four years ago; time flies!) but it was written in French, so here's a new one, also covering additional related topics.
How do I install install PHP 7.2 with FPM for Nginx web server running on FreeBSD operating system?
How do I install an Nginx webserver under a FreeBSD Unix operating system? How can I install Nginx web server on FreeBSD?
My BSD sucks less than yours en version PDF
Ta passerelle mindfuck vers l'Internet drapée d'une serviette orange
Historiquement, mettre à jour son système NetBSD se fait via le logiciel d'installation, sysinst. Cependant, cette méthode a le principal désavantage de nécessiter de redémarrer sur l'installeur, et donc de rendre le système indisponible pendant toute la mise à jour.
This session is aimed at administrators who can't or won't use 3rd-party mail hosting (and who would?) but still need a reliable, spam- and virus-resistant mail server. A basic knowledge of BSD, smtp and dns is expected and required.
Document LaTeX de présentation du système NetBSD 7.0 dans le cadre d'une LP ASRALL (Licence Pro Administration Systèmes, Réseaux et Applications à base de Logiciels Libres).
As I wrote about in the past, Windows support was coming to the FreeBSD hypervisor bhyve. Support officially came with FreeBSD 11.0-CURRENT r288524 when it was announced via the FreeBSD Virtualization mailing list. Shortly after, Windows Diplomat Michael Dexter wrote a great how-to on the FreeBSD Wiki to get Windows up and going under bhyve.
How do I install rsnapshot a filesystem snapshot utility based on rsync on my FreeBSD server to backup my local/remote Linux and Unix-based desktop, server and laptop system?
Fail2ban est un outil en python très pratique qui va inspecter vos logs de connexion afin de bannir des adresses IP au niveau de votre pare-feu. Si l’intégration au niveau de Linux se fait facilement, sous FreeBSD elle nécessite un petit peu plus de modifications. RT @Unix_XP