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De temps en temps, on me demande des conseils d'articles et de tutoriels pour connaître l'état de l'art en Python sur tel ou tel sujet. Pas si facile quand on baigne dedans et qu'on a déjà digéré l'essentiel des bonnes pratiques depuis des années. Et puis ça bouge. Alors voici ma version 2019 !
The terminology has been a point of contention in the tech community for nearly two decades and now it was just removed from one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
The Unix shell is one of my favorite inventions ever. It's genius, plain and simple. The idea is that the user environment is a Turing-complete, declarative programming language. It has a dead-simple model for dealing with I/O and concurrency, which are notoriously difficult in most other languages.
Competing in Kaggle’s Understanding the Amazon from Space competition, I started timing various parts of my code to see if I could speed things up. Speed is critical in Kaggle. Ranking well often requires trying hundreds of architectural and hyper-parameter combinations. Shaving 10 seconds off an epoch that lasts 1 minute is a huge win.
This is just a simple tutorial to get you started on making a basic twitter bot. Python is the easiest and fastest way to produce prototypes, I will be using some easy python libraries to interface with the twitter API. This tutorial will go over how to use the twitter stream class to create a responsive tweet bot.
Les méthodes pour partager des dossiers/fichiers sont nombreuses pour nos machines, que ce soit sous Windows ou Linux : CIFS/Samba, SSH, FTP, NFS… et mine de rien, ce bon vieux HTTP. Aussi surprenant que ça paraisse, pour du partage simple, c’est probablement la méthode la plus simple, la plus rapide, si l’on dispose de Python.
My day-to-day activities are still evolving around the Python programming language, as I continue working on the OpenStack project as part of my job at Red Hat. OpenStack is still the biggest Python project out there, and attract a lot of Python hackers.
10 awesome features of Python that you can't use because you refuse to upgrade to Python 3
J’ai écris ce script pour faire plaisir à ma maman dont le pc tourne sous Ubuntu Mate 16.04, l’applet mate-indicator-applet n’a plus le même comportement qu’auparavant et ne propose donc plus la possibilité de notifier l’utilisateur de la présence d’un nouveau courrier électronique.
Je précise que c’est mon tout premier script en Python, j’attends donc avec impatience vos remarques et commentaires pour améliorer la chose
Over the last few years, static type checkers have become available for popular dynamic languages like PHP (Hack) and JavaScript (Flow and TypeScript), and have seen wide adoption. Two years ago, a provisional syntax for static type annotations was added to Python 3. However, static types in Python have yet to be widely adopted, because the tool for checking the type annotations, mypy, was not ready for production use… until now!
All examples are in Python 3.
Écrit en Python, Ansible est un outil Open Source qui permet l’automatisation de tâches. Grâce à lui, vous pourrez gérer vos configurations de serveurs plus facilement, et de façon automatique grâce à l’exécution de tâches sur des groupes d’hôtes.
Pelican allows you to create a static blog. Most blog sites on the web are dynamic in the sense that the content of the site live in a database. In order to view a post on a blog, the server has to query the database, get the right content and then convert it into presentable HTML. However, in a static site, every page is pre-rendered by the static blog generator. This means that your entire blog can be uploaded to a server.
Mon script Python pour récupérer des Apks du Play Store
Encode any IP address as a haiku, funny and lovely. TRY IT NOW: http://pyhipku.lord63.com
None of the existing articles [1] give a comprehensive explanation of how metaclasses work in Python so I'm making my own. Metaclasses are a controversial topic [2] in Python, many users avoid them and I think this is largely caused by the arbitrary workflow and lookup rules which are not well explained. There are few key concepts that you need to understand to efficiently work with metaclasses.