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Un site très bien conçu avec des animations très pédagogiques qui permettent de comprendre comment fonctionnent certaines failles applicatives.
Dans cet article nous allons voir comment fonctionnent les expressions régulières en PHP, ainsi que comment les utiliser pour effectuer une comparaison de motifs de manière efficace.
In the wake of the recent Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities, it's worth spending some time looking at root causes. Both of these vulnerabilities involved processors speculatively executing instructions past some kind of access check and allowing the attacker to observe the results via a side channel.
Après avoir réalisé notre premier commit, nous continuons cette série d’articles pour débuter avec Git en nous intéressant aux différentes opérations possibles pour réaliser un commit plus complexe que le simple ajout d’un fichier.
De temps en temps, on me demande des conseils d'articles et de tutoriels pour connaître l'état de l'art en Python sur tel ou tel sujet. Pas si facile quand on baigne dedans et qu'on a déjà digéré l'essentiel des bonnes pratiques depuis des années. Et puis ça bouge. Alors voici ma version 2019 !
This is a cross platform python framework which allows you to build custom payloads for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux as well. You are able to select whether the payload binds to a specific IP and port, listens for a connection on a port, option to send an email of system info when the system boots, and option to start keylogger on boot. Payloads created can only run on the OS that they were created on.
GitHub - Microsoft/MS-DOS: The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25 and 2.0, for reference purposes
Je programme depuis 15 ans maintenant. Récemment, le manque d’attention de l’industrie du logiciel en matière d’efficacité, de simplicité et d’excellence a commencé réellement à me peser, au point d’être déprimé par ma propre carrière et l’informatique en général.
The terminology has been a point of contention in the tech community for nearly two decades and now it was just removed from one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
Let’s say we have a directory called O that contains a large number of subdirectories and files.
We find ourselves with two different directories, A and B. Each of them started as a copy of O, but then, in each of them, some files were changed, some were added or removed, and we don’t know which ones.
The Unix shell is one of my favorite inventions ever. It's genius, plain and simple. The idea is that the user environment is a Turing-complete, declarative programming language. It has a dead-simple model for dealing with I/O and concurrency, which are notoriously difficult in most other languages.
Competing in Kaggle’s Understanding the Amazon from Space competition, I started timing various parts of my code to see if I could speed things up. Speed is critical in Kaggle. Ranking well often requires trying hundreds of architectural and hyper-parameter combinations. Shaving 10 seconds off an epoch that lasts 1 minute is a huge win.
This is just a simple tutorial to get you started on making a basic twitter bot. Python is the easiest and fastest way to produce prototypes, I will be using some easy python libraries to interface with the twitter API. This tutorial will go over how to use the twitter stream class to create a responsive tweet bot.
Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux
La méthodologie Kanban est une méthodologie de travail assez connue et beaucoup utilisée dans le monde du développement, même si elle ne se limite pas du tout à ce domaine. Elle se caractérise notamment par l'utilisation d'un tableau blanc à plusieurs colonnes sur lesquelles on va visualiser et représenter les tâches par des post-it et l'état d'un projet.
How do I run commands in parallel in a bash shell script running under Linux or Unix-like operating system? How can I run multiple programs in parallel from a bash script?
A shell script mirror remote server named server1.cyberciti.biz and /backups directory to another server. The script use rsync command and also make sure a special directory mounted in local server. You must setup ssh keys (see “How To Set Up SSH Keys” for more info).
A script to manage the forwarding of tweets from Twitter accounts to a Mastodon one.
Protects your data by inspecting incoming queries from your application server and rejecting abnormal ones.
We’re excited to introduce you to Twitter Lite, a Progressive Web App that is available at mobile.twitter.com. Twitter Lite is fast and responsive, uses less data, takes up less storage space, and supports push notifications and offline use in modern browsers.