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macOS is a Unix-like Operating System so many of the features in Linux distros are similar to those that it offers. That notwithstanding, because it is Unix-like does not mean that it is Linux and for one reason or the other you may want to run a full-fledged OS.
RAR is a most popular tool for creating and extracting compressed archive (.rar) files. When we download an archive file from the web, we required a rar tool to extract them.
Mod_GeoIP is an Apache module that can be used to get the geographic location of IP address of the visitor into the Apache web server. This module allows you to determine the visitor’s country, organization and location. It is specially useful for Geo Ad Serving, Target Content, Spam Fighting, Fraud Detection, Redirecting/Blocking visitors based on their country and much more.
I am a new Linux and Unix system user. How do I find out the user and groups names and numeric IDs of the current user or any users on my server? How can I display and effective IDs on the system using command line options? In Linux, how do I find a user’s UID or GID?
I have seen some articles in the past which explain how to build the ecosystem around your video streaming, such as live chat and forums, but which leave the actual video streaming to Twitch.tv. I made a note the last time I saw one of these articles to write one of my own explaining the video bit
How can I reboot a Debian or Ubuntu Linux server/host remotely using an Ansible playbook for kernel update and wait for it to come back again?
Haproxy est un outil toujours plus intéressant à mesure que je met les mains dedans (même si c’est parfois pénible, quand on manipule deux versions différentes dans la même journée — coucou la page de stats). Ici, j’aimerai vous présenter un petit cas pratique de séparation de traitement sur une même ferme en fonction de l’URI. Eh oui, c’est possible, et c’est super simple en fait.
Bashrc file or .profile are the place where we put the initialization of the bash/zsh/fish shell, and lot’s of software want to add a line here, mainly to init some environment variable, or change path (BTW there is a feature to do that on OSX). The result is a bloated, unreadable file for init. So, let’s split it in several files.
A filesystem is a data structure that helps to control how data is stored and retrieved on a computer system. A filesystem can also be considered as a physical (or extended) partition on a disk. If not well maintained and regularly monitored, it can become damaged or corrupted in the long run, in so many different ways.
GitHub - sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find.
I am trying to use ansible apt autoremove option but it is not working. I wanted to remove all unused Linux kernel and unwanted package dependency with the apt command/apt-get command. How can I run sudo apt-get autoremove on remote Ubuntu/Debian Linux servers with ansible ?
There’s a great MSR demo from 2012 that shows the effect of latency on the experience of using a tablet. If you don’t want to watch the three minute video, they basically created a device which could simulate arbitrary latencies down to a fraction of a millisecond.
Ce guide de référence Debian (v2) (2017-09-18 15:42:22 UTC) est destiné à procurer un large aperçu du système Debian en tant que guide de l’utilisateur d’un système installé. Il couvre de nombreux aspects de l’administration du système à l’aide d’exemples de commandes de l’interpréteur pour les non-développeurs.
In our previous article, where we’ve explained how to TMOUT shell variable to auto logout Linux shell when there isn’t any activity. In this article, we will explain how to auto disconnect inactive or idle SSH sessions or connections in Linux.
I’ve been testing Void Linux recently, and thought I’d take a few minutes to write about my experience. Void is an independent, open source Linux distribution with a unique package manager and an init system written from scratch. The Github repo is here.
Internet c’est génial. Parfois on découvre des merveilles dont le concept ne nous avait jamais traversé l’esprit, et c’est ce qui m’est arrivé aujourd’hui en découvrant asciinema.
C’est un logiciel libre qui permet d’enregistrer ses sessions de terminal directement depuis… son terminal !
Our team has previously posted about DNS vulnerabilities and exploits. Lately, we’ve been busy reviewing the security of another DNS software package: Dnsmasq. We are writing this to disclose the issues we found and to publicize the patches in an effort to increase their uptake.
I recently read that TCP BBR has significantly increased throughput and reduced latency for connections on Google’s internal backbone networks and google.com and YouTube Web servers throughput by 4 percent on average globally – and by more than 14 percent in some countries. The TCP BBR patch needs to be applied to the Linux kernel.
I recently switched to a Ubuntu/Debian Linux server from a CentOS/RHEL 7.x. How do I install mkfs.xfs command on a Debian/Ubuntu Linux server? How do I create and manage file XFS file system on a Ubuntu or Debian Linux LTS server?
Ansible vault permet de stocker de manière chiffrée certaines informations, par exemple des variables utilisables dans vos playbooks.