3 liens privés
Linux users need to check out their distributions to see if a nasty bug in libgcrypt20 has been patched.
Upgrading simple shells to fully interactive TTYs
A shell command to create JSON: jo
Un système est, pour le moins, un vaste ensemble à maintenir et quand on a atteint le niveau de stabilité et de performances désiré, il faut alors s’atteler à le sécuriser.
Ta passerelle mindfuck vers l'Internet drapée d'une serviette orange
GCU Squad et l'histoire d'Unix
Lancement automatique du run puppet sur les nodes avec cron toutes les heures
How can I extract or fetch a domain name from a URL string (e.g. https://www.cyberciti.biz/index.php) using bash shell scripting under Linux or Unix-like operating system?
After 12 years, I switched from macOS to OpenBSD. It's clean, focused, stable, consistent and lets me get my work done without any hassle.
If you are running Nginx webserver, it is important for you to understand how the location directive works.
Dans le billet précédent, j'ai abordé la création d'un hyperviseur Xen (dom0) NetBSD. Il est donc temps de s'occuper du système invité NetBSD, le domU.
GnuBee is a personal NAS (Network Attached Storage) cloud server that is currently being funded on Crowd Supply. It is a low-cost, low-power, NAS device that runs GNU/Linux and it is claimed to be based on free, libre, and open source software. No proprietary drivers needed to use GnuBee.
Historiquement, mettre à jour son système NetBSD se fait via le logiciel d'installation, sysinst. Cependant, cette méthode a le principal désavantage de nécessiter de redémarrer sur l'installeur, et donc de rendre le système indisponible pendant toute la mise à jour.
Tmux session manager
This document tries to give an overview how recent versions of OpenBSD run best as VM on an hypervisor. It is centered on Linux/KVM/qemu, but some of it is also valid for other hypervisors.
Aujourd’hui, la disponibilité d’une connexion à Internet dans un milieu professionnel est devenue un enjeu critique.
Dans certaines entreprises, un perte de connexion de quelques minutes peut engendrer des pertes financières considérables.
Nous allons voir comment configurer pfSense pour assurer une redondance des routeurs à l’aide du protocole CARP.
How do I read a text file line by line under a Linux or UNIX-like system using KSH or BASH shell?
Benno Rice, a member of the FreeBSD core team, might be expected to feel out of place at linux.conf.au, but it was not his first time there. While at the 2016 event in Geelong, he saw a presentation on Rust community automation [YouTube] by Emily Dunham and wondered: why can't FreeBSD have such nice things?
I need of opening necessary files in reading (read-only) mode to avoid accidental editing of files such as /etc/resolv.conf or a large config or programming file on a production server.
How to have fun with the world’s most important free software project