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Recently, the Chrome developers announced Intent to Deprecate and Remove: Public Key Pinning (via). The unkind way to describe HTTP Public Key Pinning is that it's a great way to blow your foot off, or in our situation have well-meaning people blow it off for us.
Last year, almost exactly to the day, I declared HPKP effectively dead. I believed then—and I still do—that HPKP is too complex and too dangerous to be worth the effort. The biggest problem lies in the fact that there is no sufficient margin of safety; pinning failures are always catastrophic. That’s always bothered me and I wondered if it was possible to somehow fix HPKP without starting from scratch. That’s what this blog post is about.
nginx configuration w/ Mozilla modern compatibility · GitHub
Yesterday I changed the SSL Labs rating criteria to stop penalizing sites that do not implement server-side mitigations for the BEAST attack. That means that we now consider this attack sufficiently mitigated client-side, but, there are still some things you should now.
A flaw was recently found in OpenSSL that allowed for an attacker to negotiate a lower version of TLS between the client and server (CVE-2014-3511). While this vulnerability was quickly patched, an attacker that has control of your traffic can still simulate this attack today. Let’s explore how this is possible through looking at man-in-the-middle attacks and how browsers handle SSL/TLS connections. In addition, we will see the implications of the attack on cryptographic security.
OpenVPN 2.4.0 Security Assessment
Google has warned that all certificates issued by Chinese company WoSign and subsidiary StartCom will be distrusted with the release of Chrome 61.
Let’s Encrypt will begin issuing wildcard certificates in January of 2018. Wildcard certificates are a commonly requested feature and we understand that there are some use cases where they make HTTPS deployment easier. Our hope is that offering wildcards will help to accelerate the Web’s progress towards 100% HTTPS.
I've written quite a few blogs on how to get started with Let's Encrypt and covered both RSA and ECDSA certificates. In this blog I'm going to look at how we revoke them.
L’offre de certificats gratuits proposée par Let’s Encrypt est généralement vue comme une aubaine qui a permis aux administrateurs de site web de facilement adopter le chiffrement HTTPS sur leurs sites. Mais ces certificats sont également utilisés par des cybercriminels qui souhaitent légitimer leurs sites contrefaits.
Nick Sullivan and I gave a talk about TLS 1.3 at 33c3, the latest Chaos Communication Congress. The congress, attended by more that 13,000 hackers in Hamburg, has been one of the hallmark events of the security community for more than 30 years.
Si vous avez une application avec un protocole ne supportant pas SSL, la solution est de l'encapsuler dans un tunnel SSL.
Bien entendu, il s'agit là d'un exemple, qui fonctionne chez-moi, n'hésitez pas à améliorer.
The encrypted Internet is about to become a whole lot snappier. When it comes to browsing, we’ve been driving around in a beat-up car from the 90s for a while. Little does anyone know, we’re all about to trade in our station wagons for a smoking new sports car.
SMTP STS is a mechanism enabling mail service providers to declare their ability to receive TLS-secured connections, to declare particular methods for certificate validation, and to request sending SMTP servers to report upon and/or refuse to deliver messages that cannot be delivered securely.
Parmi les outils des pirates informatiques, nous trouvons l’attaque de l’homme du milieu. Un projet Français, baptisé CheckMyHTTPS, souhaite permettre de contrer le Man in the Middle SSL TLS.
How do I secure my Nginx web server with Let’s Encrypt free ssl certificate on my Ubuntu Linux 14.04 LTS or Debian Linux 8.x server?
With last week's OpenSSL vulnerabilities questions came up when LibreSSL would replace OpenSSL in FreeBSD base. This was picked up by the HardenedBSD developers and they asked me if I'd be interested in adding LibreSSL as alternative libcrypto/ssl in HardenedBSD. Well SURE I do! This post describes the early stages of this project.
Le monde du web regorge de vieilles rengaines, et « HTTPS c’est lent » en est une des plus persistantes … S’il est vrai que la négociation TLS ajoute un aller-retour à la connexion initiale, les navigateurs récents utilisent de nombreuses techniques pour accélérer cela.
Depuis quelques semaines, vous pouvez installer simplement et gratuitement un certificat Let's Encrypt sur votre serveur et disposer d'une connexion HTTPS. Mais que se cache-t-il derrière cette petite révolution qui veut généraliser le fameux cadenas vert ?
L’OpenSSL Software Foundation a mis à disposition hier une nouvelle version d’OpenSSL. Cette mouture règle un sérieux problème de sécurité qui, s’il devait être exploité, permettrait de déchiffrer les communications transitant sur une connexion HTTPS ou n’importe quel canal TLS (Transport Layer Security). La faille est d’autant plus dangereuse qu’OpenSSL est largement utilisé.